The Israel Advocacy Committee (IAC) is committed to:
Teach our congregation the essential and irrevocable connections between Israel and Diaspora Jewry, including history, culture and issues of security.
To highlight Reform Judaism's link to Israel and the need to promote religious pluralism in Israel and the Diaspora.
To be active and pro-active in protecting and projecting Israel's image to the general community.
To take up the cause of human rights for all peoples.
To fight for justice in the international community for Israel and its people, including combating antisemitism everywhere.
To cooperate with other Jewish organizations that share these goals.
The Israel Advocacy Committee of B'nai Israel takes its mission statement seriously. We welcome new members who would like to work with us. Please contact the office if you are interested in working with us
Below is a list of some resources that may be helpful. Please understand these resources are for your information only and not at all necessary to be read in order to participate in this discussion group. There are no prerequisites to join us for the Wednesday night discussion group and we look forward to seeing you Wednesday night!!!
IAC Resources on War in Israel
1. Yossi Klein Halevi- Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor- 2018.
Excellent elucidation of the Israeli- Palestinian
The author is a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman
Institute in Jerusalem. More at
2. Daniel Gordis- - A Concise History of a Nation Reborn- 2016
-Impossible Takes Longer- 2023 ( a nuanced examination
of the country, past , present and future);
The author is a distinguished fellow at the Shalem
in Jerusalem.
3.Dennis Ross The Missing Peace;
- Doomed to Succeed.
The author is a storied diplomat of Peace Negotiations,
Has a unique perspective from behind the doors of
· " Israel Overview for American Jews" by Adina Heavenrich
· A Plan to Defeat Hamas and Avoid a Bloodbath By Bret Stevens 10/2/23
· Hugs, slinkies and trauma care: How the Israeli health system will treat the released hostages
· Global women’s rights groups silent as Israeli women testify about rapes by Hamas
· There Shall Be None to Make Him Afraid The ideals I’m celebrating this Thanksgiving
· By Eliot A. Cohen
· DAVID BROOKS How to Stay Sane in Brutalizing Times
· Yale alumni, faculty and parents demand stronger response to rising antisemitism